We provide: • Peer-to-peer support in-person and by zoom. • Local, state, and federal adoption subsidy information and updates • Training to increase parenting skills. • Advocacy • A Helpline 215-256-0669
TAP’s vision is of a healthy adoptive, foster and kinship community, where children are protected and nurtured, and families are strong and self-reliant. Our mission is to advocate on behalf of all adoptive, foster and kinship families.
Picking a therapist can be an overwhelming task. You have just made the decision to see one, now what... What questions do you ask them before committing to meetings with them? It takes a lot of courage to see a therapist and we want to provide some good questions which will help you pick a good therapist.
View/Print the questionnaire.
Casey Family Programs have developed a guide to Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Benefits for Children and Youth in Out-of-Home Care . This Guide is intended to provide basic information about the rights of children or youth in out-of-home care to receive benefits under these two programs. In addition, this Guide reviews the basic application requirements, eligibility rules, and appeal procedures for SSI and Social Security and offers practical tips for effective advocacy. The Guide also describes the unique roles and responsibilities of state and county child welfare departments regarding the management of SSI and Social Security benefits. Finally, special issues of interest to foster parents, adoptive parents, resource family relatives, and older youth in care are reviewed.
Our goal is to surround each child and youth with a safe and loving adoptive, foster, or kinship home where parents have the tools and knowledge they need to parent children from tough places. TAP has won many awards locally and nationally for our work with families and children. Your financial contribution, at any level, will help us fulfill our mission.
TAP is a non-profit charity organization, so your donations are fully tax deductible.
We also participate in the United Way's Donor Choice program. Please use the number below to designate us as a recipient.
United Way Donor Choice # 10860 (Together as Adoptive Parents)
We do not charge families for our service. We rely on donations and fundraisers to keep our programs running. Thank you very much, and God bless.
If you wish to donate via credit card or PayPal please use this button.
Applications submitted via PayPal
Donations submitted via PayPal
A growing list of parents and professionals interested in attachment and bonding issues.